In recent weeks, ICAS has begun the process of issuing communications to all members on their annual subscription. The renewal window will open on 11 November.

This year, we have also produced a guide to your membership, which outlines the value you get from ICAS and how we support you as a member, as well as the many ways in which we represent the profession and uphold the highest standards.

To ensure everyone gets the most from their membership, we’ve also updated the member value proposition (MVP), which clearly sets out all the benefits that come with being part of this professional body.

In this issue, we publish the results of the ICAS Practice Survey 2024. The respondents range from sole practitioners to large City-based firms employing hundreds of people.

One of the survey questions asks members what they consider to be their greatest current challenges. The top five responses are as follows (in order): balancing the volume of work throughout the year; succession planning; compliance/regulation; impact/adoption of AI; and uncertainty about the economy. For our members in practice, we have a specialist support team providing the tools and guidance you need.

The results of another recent survey have suggested accountants across all sectors are experiencing higher levels of stress. This month sees the annual Mental Health Awareness Day, on 10 October, which is a good time to remind members of the Wellbeing Toolkit we introduced last year.

October also marks Black History Month. This issue features interviews with two successful CAs who speak candidly about their journeys, the boundaries they’ve broken and the stereotypes they’ve challenged during their careers.

Another key date for your diary this month is 8 October, when ICAS hosts Beyond the Numbers. The event will reveal the latest findings from the Shaping the Profession programme, which is examining the long-term future of accountancy. There will be a panel discussion, alongside a keynote speech from author and broadcaster Timandra Harkness on the impact of the technological revolution on the workplace and wider society. It is a must-attend event for anyone interested in the road ahead for the profession. Find more information and register at the link below.

Enjoy the issue

Sarah Speirs, ICAS Executive Director of Member Engagement and Communications 

For more on the Beyond the Numbers conference and to register, visit


2024 ICAS Practice Survey

State of play
From AI to hourly rates, our regular survey takes the pulse of firms and gauges their expectations for the near future

2024 ICAS Practice Survey

State of play
From AI to hourly rates, our regular survey takes the pulse of firms and gauges their expectations for the near future

Living the dream

Tom Warwick CA
He has worked on the Olympic/Paralympic Games in London and Rio, a Champions League Final and the 2022 Women’s Euros. The man behind the sporting triumphs tells us about the best job he has ever had

Living the dream

Tom Warwick CA
He has worked on the Olympic/Paralympic Games in London and Rio, a Champions League Final and the 2022 Women’s Euros. The man behind the sporting triumphs tells us about the best job he has ever had

Stories that make us

Black History Month
With this year’s theme being “reclaiming narratives”, two Black CAs at the top of their game share some defining points of their journey so far

Stories that make us

Black History Month
With this year’s theme being “reclaiming narratives”, two Black CAs at the top of their game share some defining points of their journey so far

News and Comment

The Account

The latest in finance and business – including a new examination of the real threat posed by AI

President’s View

Alison Cornwell CA on a meeting of past presidents that recalls ICAS’ influential role in shaping business, then and now

Bruce Cartwright CA

Beyond the Numbers sees ICAS inviting all stakeholders to play their part in the future of chartered accountancy

Public Affairs

Sarah Chisnall recaps a busy month of conferences, pre-budget considerations and more

Thought Leadership

Tracy Blackwell

Winner of the 2024 Bold Woman Award and member of the British Infrastructure Council on the need for long-term thinking

Special Report

David Menzies CA

The 2024 ICAS Practice Survey demonstrates a community resilient in the face of disruption


Meet the Practice

After 45 years at the heart of the Cupar business community, James Hair & Co’s founder is making his succession plans

My Life in Numbers

Lifelong language lover Shona Barker CA on volunteering, missing out on Blue Peter glory and teaching French schoolchildren to sing Flower of Scotland

Inside ICAS

Learning & Development

Catch up on Budget changes with Finance Directors’ Update


A range of ICAS courses to enhance your skills and fulfil your CPD


Regulatory notices


We spotlight our partners, showing some of the benefits of ICAS membership

Tax Insight

VAT on private school fees and a new committee on employment rules

For the Record

Member information, events and updates from ICAS, including the return of the CA Summit


In memoriam

Editor in Chief Sarah Speirs
Head of Communications Stevie Brown
Content and Communication Manager Hilde Oesterkloeft
Content and Communication Specialists Morven McEwan

River Group Content Ltd,
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London EC1 8FH
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Editor Ryan Herman
Creative Director Phil Tristram
Chief Sub-Editor Steve Yates
Picture Editor Paul Ashman
Contributors Fraser Allen, Cherry Casey, Christian Koch,
Thanks to Stevie Chick, Riaan Theron
Editorial Director (Business) Lysanne Currie
Partnerships and Sales Manager Chris Arulrajah
Partnerships and Account Executive Summaiyah Sohail
Interim Account Director Rachel Walder
Production Director Nigel Mackay
Group Creative Director Scott McKenzie
Group Strategy Director Christian Ruland
Managing Director Jackie Garford
Finance Director Gavin Love
CEO Nicola Murphy

Antonio Olmos/Guardian/eyevine, Getty Images, Mino Surkala/, Alamy, Lauren Hurley/No 10 Downing Street