Dear Prime Minister…

Bruce Cartwright CA
The ICAS CEO delivers our “five asks” to the incoming government, from enacting corporate reform to improving financial literacy

Dear Prime Minister…

Bruce Cartwright CA
The ICAS CEO delivers our “five asks” to the incoming government, from enacting corporate reform to improving financial literacy

From CA to CFO to CEO

The future of the CFO
Why are so many FTSE 100 companies now led by former CFOs? And is the transition a natural step up or a huge leap in the dark?

From CA to CFO to CEO

The future of the CFO
The ICAS CEO delivers our “five asks” to the incoming government, from enacting corporate reform to improving financial literacy

All aboard!

South Asian Heritage Month
Four CAs on the benefits, both professional and personal, of playing an active role in ICAS committees, boards and networks

All aboard!

South Asian Heritage Month
Four CAs on the benefits, both professional and personal, of playing an active role in ICAS committees, boards and networks

What does your future look like?

ICAS Practice Conference
Inspirational insights into AI and tech stacks, sustainability reporting as a client service, talent retention and more

What does your future look like?

ICAS Practice Conference
Inspirational insights into AI and tech stacks, sustainability reporting as a client service, talent retention and more

‘We must remove barriers and unleash talent’

David Cruickshank CA
The new ICAS Vice President reflects on 40 years in the Big Four, the challenges of social mobility and the need for an economic blend of large and small

‘We must remove barriers and unleash talent’

David Cruickshank CA
The new ICAS Vice President reflects on 40 years in the Big Four, the challenges of social mobility and the need for an economic blend of large and small

News and Comment

The Account

XeroCon report, an accountancy potboiler and the tech sector’s hype tendency

President’s View

Alison Cornwell CA says taking on trainees can address the talent shortage


Exposure drafts on sustainability and using the work of an external expert

Thought Leadership

Pavita Cooper

The 30% Club Chair is out to increase female representation in corporate leadership


Working Abroad

Damien Kieran CA on Dublin, a “liveable city” with plenty to offer finance professionals

Meet the Practice

How Hall Morrice is plugging the talent gap by expanding its training programme

My Life in Numbers

Stephen Macdonald CA is building the proptech revolution in Sydney

Inside ICAS

For the Record

Member information – including a competition to design our magazine cover

Learning & Development

Why CAs need soft skills to complement their hard-earned technical knowhow


A range of ICAS courses to enhance your skills and fulfil your CPD

Tax Insight

Declaring dividends lawfully and tax advice market regulation


We spotlight our partners, showing some benefits of the member rewards programme


In memoriam


Publicity notices from the investigations and regulatory teams

Editor in Chief Sarah Speirs
Head of Communications Stevie Brown
Content and Communication Manager Hilde Oesterkloeft
Content and Communication Specialists Morven McEwan, Emma O’Sullivan

River Group Content Ltd,
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Editor Ryan Herman
Creative Director Phil Tristram
Chief Sub-Editor Steve Yates
Picture Editor Paul Ashman
Contributors Fraser Allen, Julie Burniston, Fiona Nicolson
Thanks to Ciara Allen, Stevie Chick, Simon Harris
Editorial Director (Business) Lysanne Currie
Partnerships and Sales Manager Anthony Bennett abennett@therivergroup.co.uk
Partnerships and Account Executive Summaiyah Sohail
Account Director Emma Simpson
Production Director Nigel Mackay
Group Creative Director Scott McKenzie
Group Strategy Director Christian Ruland
Managing Director Jackie Garford
Finance Director Gavin Love
CEO Nicola Murphy

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