In memoriam

Allan Williams CA
19 June 1936 – 4 March 2024
Allan Gordon Aloysius Williams (M07129) has died aged 87. Born and raised in Kenya, Allan moved to Glasgow to train with Jardine, Dunlop & Anderson. He was a prize-winner in his exams and qualified in 1959. Going back home, he took a position with Cooper Brothers in east Africa and was admitted to its partnership aged 27. He returned to the UK in 1972 and in 1973 opened and led the Reading office of Coopers and Lybrand, where he practised until his retirement in 1994. In 1978-79 he served as President of the Thames Valley Society of Chartered Accountants. To those who knew him, Allan was a kind, friendly, unassuming and wonderful family man. He received Gold Club membership in 2009.
This is a personal submission from his family
Anthony Varney CA
Anthony Frederick Varney (M09716) has died aged 88. He qualified in 1968. He was living in Mortain at his time of death. He received Gold Club membership in 2018.
David Edwards CA
David Reginald Edwards (M08226) has died aged 80. He trained with Norman J Bird & Co, qualifying in 1963. He was working for EY when he retired and was living in South Queensferry at his time of death. He received Gold Club membership in 2013.
Jeremy Cooke CA
Jeremy David Philip Cooke (M12101) has died aged 87. He trained with Deloitte & Co, qualifying in 1977. He was working for Borestone CA when he retired and was living in Otley at his time of death.
John Hepburn CA
John Anthony Hepburn (M07473) has died aged 85. He trained with Graham, Smart & Annan, qualifying in 1960. He was working for Odlum Brown when he retired and was living in Vancouver at his time of death. He received Gold Club membership in 2010.
Mary Semple CA
Mary Louise Semple (M05907) has died aged 92. She trained with Rattray Brothers, Alexander & France, qualifying in 1954. She was working for Farries, Kirk & McVean when she retired and was living in Ambleside at her time of death. She received Gold Club membership in 2004.
Murdo MacSween CA
Murdo Macleod MacSween (M08560) has died aged 87. He trained with John E Watson & Co, qualifying in 1964. He was working for Corrie Consulting when he retired and was living in Ottawa at his time of death. He received Gold Club membership in 2014.
Myra Irvine CA
Myra Constable Wilson Irvine (M07613) has died aged 88. She trained with WA Findlay & Co, qualifying in 1961. She was working for Levy, Irvine & Co when she retired and was living in Pinner at her time of death. She received Gold Club membership in 2011.
Peter Mason CA
Peter John Chalmers Mason (M16289) has died aged 63. He trained with Ritson, Smith & Partners, qualifying in 1989. He was working for Johnston Carmichael when he retired and was living in Troon at his time of death.