Professional development

CFO of the Future 5: Best practice measurement and reporting
Online live, 15 May
London, 22 October
Measurement and reports are often too slow, too detailed and too lacking in performance insights. You need to provide your partners with fast, frequent and relevant information. This workshop focuses on how to turn “dumb KPIs” into intelligence, using business analytics and corporate performance management.
Financial Awareness for Non-Finance Managers: Essentials
Online live, 23 May or 18 November
This course provides an introduction to business finance, helping you to contribute to your company’s success. Gain a greater understanding of the subject, including the language used by accountants and those in finance, as well as of basic accounting concepts and the flow of money through an organisation.
Adding Value Beyond the Numbers: Management accounting update
Online live, 11 June or 12 November
This course provides a takeaway from the latest guidance and research. It lets you reflect on the future role of finance, including business partnership human skills, cost transformation techniques, how to harness technology, thriving in uncertainty, and what to measure to drive the true value of your business.
Charity Financial Reporting Update
Online live, 13 June or 20 September
This update course reflects on accounting issues, alongside contemporary developments, to help finance professionals manage a charity’s operations and finances effectively. The update highlights tricky accounting areas and identifies ways charities can prepare themselves for an increasingly unpredictable world.
Corporate Governance – An introduction
Online live, 14 June or 25 October
Designed for those with limited or no prior knowledge of the subject, this seminar will benefit professionals who need an overview of UK corporate governance. Gain a greater understanding of how to examine your organisation’s governance and get ideas for how it could be improved.
Pricing Strategies and Tactics
Online live, 18 June or 6 November
This course provides an introduction to traditional and alternative determinants of price and its key financial, economic and psychological principles. It helps you to consider their applicability to your own business and the role the finance function can play in supporting decision-making on pricing.
Auditing Standards: Update and issues
Online live, 27 June
Edinburgh, 26 September
This course provides an update on current issues and developments in the application of auditing standards and the issues arising in audit quality reviews, including findings from ICAS. It also includes a Q&A session on current issues and sharing experience.
Technical Update for Accountants in Business
Online live, 4–5 July
This long-standing and popular course, held over two consecutive mornings, covers financial reporting and taxation, plus other topical issues. It is of benefit to all accountants seeking a comprehensive and topical technical update. You’ll find out how key changes over the past 12 months could affect your organisation and clients.

For a list of all upcoming live courses and to book, visit
An Introduction to UK Financial Regulation
Length: 1 hour
Consumers should have access to financial products and services that meet their needs from firms that they can trust. This course provides an update on the framework of financial regulations in the UK to ensure that financial systems are sound and stable.
Change Management for Leaders and Professionals
Length: 1 hour
The rate of change in almost every industry is faster than at any time in human development. This course provides some useful models and tools to help managers make sure that their change initiatives are successful and that their organisation is one that embraces change.
Presentation skills
Length: 1.5 hours
Do you feel daunted at the thought of giving a presentation and confused about how to put it together, let alone deliver it? This practical and results-focused course will increase your confidence and ability to create and present an elegant, compelling and influential message.
Working Capital – The strategic overview
Length: 1 hour
The evidence shows businesses that manage working capital well enjoy higher profits and lower operational risks than their counterparts. This course is designed to give you the skills and knowledge to be able to integrate the management of working capital into your company’s overall strategy.

For a list of all on-demand courses, download the online course directory