Welcome to the first issue of the new-look CA magazine. It is a significant departure from its predecessor, not just visually but also in terms of navigation. Hence the inclusion of this handy user’s guide below.
The changes are largely informed by a survey we carried out last summer to get members’ views on their magazine. We believe it’s a change for the better. It’s much more user-friendly, whether you’re reading this on a laptop, phone or tablet. It also offers a far more immersive experience, with smoothly embedded videos and animations, and a truly widescreen experience – especially for readers on desktop. We would welcome your comments and feedback at camagazine@therivergroup.co.uk.
In this issue we celebrate some landmarks of our 170-year existence, which you can read here. That timeline ends with the most significant development in recent ICAS history – the launch of the new syllabus, CA24, on 22 March. This is the product of many months of canvassing students, the firms that currently train them and the ones that will do so in the future.
This issue covers the new syllabus in-depth and our Executive Director of Learning, Gail Boag, explains what it means for our students and members alike. The new syllabus will reflect what it means to be a CA in the modern world, while ensuring that the CA qualification remains of the highest quality for the profession.
As President Clive Bellingham writes, addressing how we attract the next generation of students is central to our ICAS 2030 Strategy. Clive also touches on another key part of the strategy, which is the ICAS Foundation, and how we’re trying to improve social mobility across the profession so that the next generation of CAs reflects a wider cross-section of society.
Our heritage gives ICAS a special position in chartered accountancy. But while celebrating the past, we must always be forward-thinking as an institution. And that goes for everything, from the syllabus to this magazine.
Enjoy the issue
Sarah Speirs, ICAS Executive Director of Member Engagement and Communications
To read the new-look CA magazine, rather than turning pages from left to right, you simply scroll down, as you would on any newspaper website.
For this issue’s full contents, keep scrolling down this page. From there you can click through and read any article.
You can also find an article by clicking on the menu bar in the top-right corner.
To read a full article, scroll down until you see the “next story” button.
At the end of individual articles, we will also provide you with links to similar content.
All back issues are still available at camagazine.co.uk
Learning redefined
New syllabus
Gail Boag, Executive Director of Learning, introduces CA24, the greatest revamp of syllabus and delivery in ICAS history

170 years of ethical leadership
ICAS timeline
A pictorial history of how ICAS has been setting professional standards since 1854

The power of the
placement year
The Big Picture
How paid placements can successfully bridge the gap between the worlds of academia and industry

Accountancy matters
Nigel Macdonald CA
The Past President says that by showing how organisations really function, accounting enables you to change them for the better

Read all about it
New logbook
ICAS has produced a new, streamlined, easy-to-use electronic logbook for the CA students of today

News and Comment
My Life in Numbers
Fiona Adam CA is living the high life as Statutory Reporting Manager in the famous Lloyd’s of London skyscraper
Inside ICAS
Tax Insight
The lessons of the Horder case, in which an accountant became a “patsy” for his client
Editor in Chief Sarah Speirs
Head of Communications Stevie Brown
Content and Communication Manager Hilde Oesterkloeft
Content and Communication Specialists Morven McEwan, Emma O’Sullivan
River Group Content Ltd,
Garden Floor, 16 Connaught Place,
London, W2 2ES
+44 (0) 20 7420 7000
Editor Ryan Herman
Creative Director Phil Tristram
Chief Sub-Editor Steve Yates
Picture Editor Paul Ashman
Contributors Julie Burniston, Fiona Nicolson, Alisa Sheldon
Thanks to Ciara Allen, Rory Elphick, Steve McCubbin
Editorial Director (Business) Lysanne Currie
Partnerships and Sales Manager Anthony Bennett abennett@therivergroup.co.uk
Partnerships and Account Executive Summaiyah Sohail
Account Director Emma Simpson
Production Director Nigel Mackay
Group Creative Director Scott McKenzie
Group Strategy Director Christian Ruland
Managing Director Jackie Garford
Finance Director Gavin Love
CFO Keith Amess
CEO Nicola Murphy
iStock, Alamy, Getty Images, Molly Woodward, Natata / Shutterstock.com, Andrew Crowley / Telegraph, Courtesy Australian War Memorial