Raising the gold standard

ICAS’ revamped syllabus and delivery model, fully introduced last year, is already delivering results. Now, says Gail Boag, Executive Director of Learning, is the time to keep building on its success

Raising the gold standard

ICAS’ revamped syllabus and delivery model, fully introduced last year, is already delivering results. Now, says Gail Boag, Executive Director of Learning, is the time to keep building on its success

This time last year ICAS was on the verge of fully rolling out our new syllabus. Now is a good time to reflect on what has been achieved and to stress to all that we’re not resting on our laurels.

Over the past two years, we’ve evolved and innovated to redefine the ICAS learning experience. We set out to provide flexibility, create a client-centric, demand-led approach and improve the quality of trainees.  

There were three priority workstreams

●      New CA qualification
●      Delivery model
●      Student experience, new logbook and our Advantage platform

All three levels of the new CA qualification went live in 2024. We updated the syllabus to embed sustainability, data, tech and ethical leadership throughout, to ensure we remain relevant and future-fit. We’ve incorporated innovative assessments, the use of cloud accounting software and business intelligence tools such as Power BI.

We've focused on the development of vital non-technical skills such as problem-solving, professional scepticism and communication. Crucially, we have delivered all this three years ahead of others in the market, which is a testament to our flexibility and our willingness to listen and respond to clients.

And it has been quite a project, as these figures demonstrate.

Another important number is four – the number of terms we now have, up from three. Why does that matter? Because it means a more flexible delivery model, offering control of pace, progression and time out of the office, as well as new pathways for school and college leavers, apprentices and graduates. That means we’re widening access and choice for those who may not have had the opportunity of a career in accountancy.

We are focusing on the way we work with firms as a trusted, agile partner, rather than supplier, and we offer a best-in-class student experience focused on simplicity and control.

We delivered all of this at pace, while protecting our very high standards. Our CA qualification is known as the gold standard and with good reason. It’s tough – and we never apologise for that as it seeks to develop the best talent for the profession and future industry leaders.

However, it is fair to say that in 2024 many firms, while welcoming the scale of change, also took a cautious approach and waited to see how the new qualification and delivery model landed. So I am delighted to write that since launching in March 2024 we have seen improved student engagement leading to significantly improved results. Our new syllabus, new delivery model, digital content and interactive workshops have delivered – even exceeding our expectations at this stage.

Our average pass rate in the Knowledge category is up 14 points on TC (Test of Competence) last year, while the Skills average pass rate is up six points on the average TPS (Test of Professional Skills) pass rate. Average pass rates at Integration remain consistent with our excellent historical TPE (Test of Professional Expertise) pass rates, if not marginally improved. 

Some may ask if it’s because the new syllabus is easier. The simple answer is no – emphatically so. It is based on improved student engagement through digital-first content and interactive workshops.

Gone are the days when students would attend class and be spoken to for several hours while sitting passively. Now they come to contribute, discuss, apply and test their knowledge. That, together with our ability to monitor progression and understanding much more easily with digital content, means we can intervene and support students like never before to keep them on track.

“Our CA syllabus won’t stand still. In 2025 we will be incorporating changes in response to IFRS 18 and any new UK sustainability standards to be announced”

We are now seeing the market respond, moving away from the traditional “way it has always been” and adapting to suit both business resourcing and student needs.

I’ve written previously that offering more classes and assessment sittings per year, with schedules issued three years in advance and a two-week turnaround for assessment results, means that authorised training offices (ATOs) could plan much further ahead.

The benefits are now being realised by our ATOs, both old and new. What’s more, our agility has increased our attractiveness for CA training in industry as well as the accounting profession.

One thing firms said to us was that students never got to see an end-to-end audit because it’s interrupted with study. Our flexible approach means students can now get the study done, see an end-to-end audit and really learn on the job before they do their next exams.

With any significant transformation, there are always things to tweak. The focus now is on continuous improvement, working in partnership with our ATOs, and listening to student and employer feedback to provide the best possible outcomes and experience.

Acting on early feedback, we have already incorporated some enhancements to our delivery workshops from term two in 2025.

Our CA syllabus won’t stand still – it will continue to evolve. In 2025 we will be incorporating changes in response to IFRS 18 and any new UK sustainability standards to be announced, ensuring we remain ahead of the pack.

And, after the success of our first national in-person induction day in Edinburgh last September, we will be returning there on 26 September 2025. This will be another opportunity to bring our new students together to inform, boost engagement, inspire and foster a vibrant networking environment.

While we are proud of the significant advancements already delivered, our focus now is on continuing that evolution.

Learn more about how to become a CA