Professional development


Professional development

Improving Your Performance with Emotional Intelligence 

Online live, 13 February or 25 April

The ability to harness and manage emotions has been identified as a major contributor to improving performance at work. This course provides delegates with simple and practical models to enhance their emotional intelligence capabilities and improve their career and personal success.


CFO of the Future 2: Strategic Management

Online live, 18 February
London, 7 May

Learn how to become a key member of the strategy team at every level of the organisation by improving and using your knowledge of strategy tools and strategic decision-making. The course includes a hands-on case study evaluating business and strategic risk within a business case. 


Quality Management in an Audit Engagement

Online live, 20 February or 13 May

The audit market is under pressure following a number of high-profile corporate failures, meaning audit quality will continue to be an area of scrutiny for the regulators. This course focuses on current issues affecting audit and the actions required to achieve an improvement in quality.


Corporation Tax: Refresher and Update 

Online live, 25 February or 13 May

This one-day course covers the fundamentals of corporation tax, together with an update on recent developments. You can expect a current overview of the main principles and rules without going too in-depth with specialist knowledge.


Audits of Group Financial Statements: ISA (UK) 600

Online live, 3 March or 10 June

This seminar covers the recent changes made to ISA (UK) 600 (Revised September 2022) and the audit risk areas as a result of the changes. This ISA (UK) deals with special considerations that apply to a group audit, including in those circumstances where component auditors are involved.


Charity Financial Reporting Update   

Online live, 6 March or 5 June 

This update course reflects on developments in accounting for charities. It highlights tricky areas and the ways in which charities can prepare themselves for an increasingly unpredictable world, helping finance professionals effectively manage their operations and finances.   


Corporate Governance: An Introduction  

Online live, 13 March or 3 July 

Designed for those with limited or no prior knowledge of corporate governance, this seminar will benefit professionals who need an overview of the subject in the UK. Gain a greater understanding of how to examine your organisation’s governance and ideas for how it could be improved.


FRS 102 Update and Refresher  

Online live, 18 March
Edinburgh, 17 June 

This course is essential for those who are involved in the preparation and audit of financial statements in accordance with FRS 102. It provides an update of recent changes, a refresher of key areas and guidance on a number of practical problem areas. 


For a list of all upcoming live courses and to book, visit


Communication Skills: An Introduction

Length: 1 hour
Good communication helps you present your ideas in a way that is engaging and persuasive, improving your ability to question, listen and form a rapport. This course provides an understanding of good communication, with useful hints and tips from which even the best communicator can learn.



Length: 1 hour 
Gain an awareness of the financial reporting challenges for groups, with component reporting under each of the two frameworks. This course also provides useful context and a comparison of the two frameworks in terms of general reporting requirements and specific accounting treatments.

Financial Modelling Introduction 1: Golden Rules 

Length: 1 hour
It is easy to build a poor financial model, harder to build one that is high quality and satisfies the needs of the user. To build the latter there are a number of golden rules to follow. This course covers the dos and don’ts of financial modelling.


Smarter Thinking, Smarter Working  

Length: 1 hour 
If you want to get better results, you have to change the way you do things. This course is for accountants and other managers who want to know how to use both halves of their brain to think logically and strategically, and gain a greater understanding of colleagues and clients. 

For more information on any of our on-demand course titles, please email with the subject line “On-demand course enquiry” and course title(s) and BPP will provide the full outline and booking instructions