In memoriam

Nicolas McAndrew CA
9 December 1934 – 26 May 2023
Nicolas McAndrew (M07788) has died aged 88. Nicolas was educated at Winchester College and did his national service in the Black Watch. He trained with Peat, Marwick & Mitchell, qualifying in 1961. He worked for SG Warburg & Co from 1962–78, latterly as Executive Director and Chairman of Warburg Investment Management. He was Master of Grocers’ Company from 1978–79, Managing Director of NM Rothschild & Sons from 1979–87, Chief Executive of Murray Johnstone 1988–91, then Chairman from 1991–95. He was an effective fundraiser for, among others, the Highland Hospice and the church of St Stephen Walbrook.
He created a wonderful garden at Kilcoy Castle on the Black Isle, and he loved salmon fishing, shooting, golf and cigars. In 1960, he married Diana Wood, who died in 2015. He is survived by two sons and a daughter.
This is a personal submission from his family
David R Kesson CA
3 April 1939 – 7 February 2024
David Ray Kesson (M07920) has died, aged 84.
After leaving Allan Glen’s School in 1956, David joined Wilson, Stirling and Co. We note from his papers that, during his apprenticeship, he was awarded the Sir William McLintock Prize in 1958. After qualifying he began his career with the iconic firm of City Bakeries, following which he spread his wings and moved to Southport to take up a role with Pilkington Glass.
Drawn back to his roots, he moved his young family north to Bearsden to become the Finance Director of another famous Glasgow company, McKellar Watt.
His last position was with the Bowater Containers Group at its Milngavie plant, where he would spend more than 25 productive and happy years. The company changed ownership over the years before the Milngavie site became headquarters of the Scottish operations as part of the Swedish multinational, SCA. David, in his role as Finance Director Scotland, was highly regarded and greatly respected for his integrity and outstanding ability.
He died at home.
This is a personal submission from his family
William “Stuart” Russell CA
07 May 1933 – 1 March 2024
William Stuart Gibb Russell (M07520), known to all as Stuart, has sadly passed away peacefully in a care home in Glasgow, aged 90.
Stuart was born in South Logie Brae Farm, Westfield, West Lothian. He was indentured with Barstow and Millar in Edinburgh, qualifying in 1960. He was an auditor with the Herring Industry Board after qualifying. A few years later, after the untimely death of his father, he became a partner in the family business of Edinburgh Cameras/Edinburgh Audio, based at 55/57 Lothian Road, along with his two brothers as co-partners. Prior to his retirement, he was proprietor of Edinburgh Computers and Edinburgh Signs.
He was an active member of Bruntsfield Golf Club and also enjoyed his lifelong love of life drawing, painting and sculpture in his retirement years. He is survived by his wife Irene and son Jonathan, who is also a qualified CA.
This is a personal submission from his family
Ronald Day CA
6 January 1930 – 22 July 2024
Ronald Ian Day (M07155) passed away, aged 94, suddenly but peacefully at home. Husband to the late Beth, and father to Kim, Grandpa to Chris and Philippa and Great-Grandpa to Thomas, Samuel and Poppy.
This is a personal submission from his family
Alan Gordon CA
Alan Alexander Ritchie Gordon (M07594) has died aged 85. He trained with A & J Robertson, qualifying in 1961. He was self-employed when he retired and was living in Gullane at his time of death. He received Gold Club membership in 2011.
Alan Rodger CA
Alan Hunter Rodger (M09331) has died aged 81. He trained with Richard Brown & Co, qualifying in 1967. He was working for HM Prison Service when he retired and was living in Guisborough at his time of death. He received Gold Club membership in 2017.
Alastair Deakin CA
Alastair Wright Deakin (M08942) has died aged 77. He trained with Thomson McLintock & Co, qualifying in 1966. He was working for Hewden Stuart when he retired and was living in Glasgow at his time of death. He received Gold Club membership in 2016.
Alexander Mackenzie CA
Alexander Marr Mackenzie (M08073) has died aged 88. He trained with Scott & Paterson, qualifying in 1962. He was working for Age Concern North West Cumbria when he retired and was living in St Bees at his time of death. He received Gold Club membership in 2012.
Alexander Steel CA
Alexander Steel (M07390) has died aged 87. He qualified in 1960 and he was retired and living in North Berwick at his time of death. He received Gold Club membership in 2010.
Alistair Miller CA
Alistair James Mitchell Miller (M08565) has died. He trained with James Meston & Co, qualifying in 1964. He was self-employed when he retired and was living in York at his time of death. He received Gold Club membership in 2014.
Andrew Zuill CA
Andrew Morison Zuill (M07543) has died aged 85. He trained with Wallace & Somerville, qualifying in 1960. He was working for Faculty of Actuaries when he retired and was living in Falkirk at his time of death. He received Gold Club membership in 2010.
Angus Macdonald CA
Angus Neilson Macdonald (M07791) has died aged 88. He trained with Wardhaugh & McVean, qualifying in 1961. He was working for British Polythene Industries when he retired and was living in Dundee at his time of death. He received Gold Club membership in 2011.
Colin Wright CA
Colin Dales Wright (M08410) has died aged 86. He trained with Miller, Mcintyre & Gellatly, qualifying in 1963. He was working for Duty Free Shoppers Hong Kong when he retired and was living in Egham at his time of death. He received Gold Club membership in 2013.
Colin Perry CA
Colin Kirkpatrick Perry (M06694) has died aged 92. He trained with J & J Gillies CA, qualifying in 1957. He was working for Commonwealth Development Corporation when he retired and was living in Reading at his time of death. He received Gold Club membership in 2007.
David Crosbie CA
David Crosbie (M06966) has died aged 90. He trained with AS Carson & Trotter, qualifying in 1958. He was working for Crosbie Rae & Co when he retired and was living in Crieff at his time of death. He received Gold Club membership in 2008.
David Jack CA
David Hyslop Jack (M11172) has died aged 74. He trained with Kerr, MacLeod & Co, qualifying in 1974. He was working for Shell Technology Ventures when he retired and was living in Cambridge at his time of death.
Sir David Kinloch CA
Sir David Oliphant Kinloch (M09569) has died aged 80. He trained with McClelland, Moores & Co, qualifying in 1968. He was working for Caledonia Investments when he retired and was living in London at his time of death. He received Gold Club membership in 2018.
David Gibson CA
David Seth Gibson (M08729) has died aged 84. He trained with John E Watson & Co, qualifying in 1965. He was working for Inverclyde council when he retired and was living in Beith at his time of death. He received Gold Club membership in 2015.
Douglas Bonnar CA
Douglas Kershaw Bonnar (M07253) has died aged 88. He trained with Dewar & Robertson, qualifying in 1960. He was working for Chase Bank (Ireland) when he retired and was living in Ipswich at his time of death. He received Gold Club membership in 2010.
Eric Riddell CA
Eric Riddell (M07372) has died aged 83. He trained with Romanes & Aitchison, qualifying in 1960. He was working for the Whyte & Mackay Group when he retired and was living in Glasgow at his time of death. He received Gold Club membership in 2010.
Graeme Eadie CA
Graeme Marshall Eadie (M07293) has died. He trained with Brown, Fleming & Murray, qualifying in 1960. He was working in practice as Graham Eadie Associates when he retired and was living in St Neots at his time of death. He received Gold Club membership in 2010.
Hamish Macdonald CA
Hamish Lawson Macdonald (M06249) has died aged 85. He trained with A & J Robertson, qualifying in 1956. He was retired and living in North Berwick at his time of death. He received Gold Club membership in 2006.
Dr Hamish Aitken CA
Dr Hamish Wilsoun Aitken (M08181) has died aged 84. He trained with Graham, Smart & Annan, qualifying in 1963. He was working for Ashdown Forest Health Centre when he retired and was living in Forest Row at his time of death. He received Gold Club membership in 2013.
Iain Gilchrist CA
Iain Johnston Gilchrist (M07910) has died. He trained with Thomson, Jackson, Gourlay & Taylor, qualifying in 1962. He was self-employed with Gilchrist & Co when he retired and was living in Leven at his time of death. He received Gold Club membership in 2012.
Iain Nicholson CA
Iain Nicholson (M10918) has died. He trained with Scott, Peden & Co, qualifying in 1973. He was self-employed when he retired and was living in Edinburgh at his time of death.
James Baillie CA
James Baillie (M05137) has died aged 95. He qualified in 1951 and he was retired and living in Bangor at his time of death. He received Gold Club membership in 2001.
James Hendry CA
James Hendry (M08516) has died aged 83. He trained with McClelland, Moores & Co, qualifying in 1964. He was working for Kilmarnock Football Club when he retired and was living in the town at his time of death. He received Gold Club membership in 2014.
James Currie CA
James Milby Currie (M08482) has died aged 83. He trained with Brechin, Cole-Hamilton & Co, qualifying in 1964. He was working for Motherwell Bridge (Holdings) when he retired and was living in Gourock at his time of death. He received Gold Club membership in 2014.
John “Iain” MacAskill CA
John “Iain” Archibald MacAskill (M08422) has died aged 84. He trained with McMurdo, Sinclair & Co, qualifying in 1964. He was working for Crofters Commission when he retired and was living in Skelmorlie at his time of death. He received Gold Club membership in 2014.
John “Sandy” Gow CA
John “Sandy” Alexander Harder Gow (M05273) has died aged 95. He trained with McClelland, Moores & Co, qualifying in 1952. He was self-employed as JAH Gow when he retired and was living in Ayr at his time of death. He received Gold Club membership in 2002.
John Aitkin CA
John Aitkin (M06193) has died aged 90. He trained with John J Welch & Co, qualifying in 1956. He was working for Welch & Co when he retired and was living in Hawick at his time of death. He received Gold Club membership in 2006.
John Borland CA
John Borland (M08919) has died. He trained with Alfred, Scott & Company, qualifying in 1966. He was retired and living in Ayr at his time of death. He received Gold Club membership in 2016.
John Constantine CA
John Constantine (M04734) has died aged 96. He trained with Thomson McLintock & Co, qualifying in 1949. He was working for Sanas when he retired and was living in Stratford-upon-Avon at his time of death. He received Gold Club membership in 1999.
John White CA
John Francis White (M05816) has died aged 93. He trained with Davidson, Downie & McGown, qualifying in 1954. He was working for Fine Lady Bakeries when he retired and was living in Deddington at his time of death. He received Gold Club membership in 2004.
John Robb CA
John Maitland Robb (M11201) has died aged 68. He trained with Downie, Wilson & Co, qualifying in 1974. He was retired and living in Swanlinbar at his time of death.
John McEntee CA
John McEntee (M09594) has died aged 80. He trained with McWilliam, Stuart & Mellie, qualifying in 1968. He was retired and living in Glasgow at his time of death. He received Gold Club membership in 2018.
John Nicolson CA
John Stewart Nicolson (M07511) has died aged 86. He trained with Craston, Thomson & Allison, qualifying in 1960. He was working for Strathclyde regional council when he retired and was living in Glasgow at his time of death. He received Gold Club membership in 2010.
John Cumming CA
John Stuart Cumming (M05946) has died. He trained with Howden & Molleson, qualifying in 1955. He was working for British Merchant Banking & Securities when he retired and was living in Battle at his time of death. He received Gold Club membership in 2005.
Keith Thomas CA
Keith Leslie Thomas (M08141) has died. He trained with Hardie, Caldwell Ker & Hardie, qualifying in 1962. He was working for Kent Commercial Finance when he retired and was living in Folkestone at his time of death. He received Gold Club membership in 2012.
Lindsay Brown CA
Lindsay Holmes Brown (M15650) has died aged 60. He qualified in 1987. He was working for Babcock International and was living in Kilmarnock at his time of death.
Martyn Priest CA
Martyn Lionel Priest (M07660) has died aged 89. He trained with GK Johnston & Smillie, qualifying in 1961. He was self-employed as Priest ML & Co when he retired and was living in Rugby at his time of death. He received Gold Club membership in 2011.
Matthew Wyllie CA
Matthew Stewart Wyllie (M07017) has died. He trained with J Douglas Henderson & Co, qualifying in 1958. He was working for the Honourable Company of Edinburgh Golfers when he retired and was living in the city at his time of death. He received Gold Club membership in 2008.
Michael MacCallum CA
Michael MacCallum (M07789) has died aged 85. He trained with Turner, Hutton & Patrick, qualifying in 1961. He was working for PriceWaterhouseCoopers when he retired and was living in West Vancouver at his time of death. He received Gold Club membership in 2011.
Peter Milne CA
Peter John Milne (M09617) has died aged 79. He trained with RC Kelman Shirreffs, qualifying in 1968. He was retired and living in Aberdeen at his time of death. He received Gold Club membership in 2018.
Peter Bulfield CA
Peter William Bulfield (M05729) has died aged 93. He trained with Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Co, qualifying in 1954. He was working for Yamaichi Bank UK when he retired and was living in Chichester at his time of death. He received Gold Club membership in 2004.
Raymond Kennedy CA
Raymond Kennedy (M08044) has died aged 93. He trained with Kerr, Macleod & MacFarlan, qualifying in 1962. He was working for International Wool when he retired and was living in Tonbridge at his time of death. He received Gold Club membership in 2012.
Robert Marshall CA
Robert Iain Marshall (M06999) has died aged 87. He trained with Howden & Molleson, qualifying in 1958. He was retired and living in Uxbridge at his time of death. He received Gold Club membership in 2008.
Robert Melvin CA
Robert James Melvin (M07641) has died aged 100. He trained with Dickie, Pirie & Co, qualifying in 1961. He was working for Jephson Housing Association Group when he retired and was living in Shipston-on-Stour at his time of death. He received Gold Club membership in 2011.
Robert Stephen CA
Robert McGhie Stephen (M06636) has died aged 91. He qualified in 1957 and he was living in Glasgow at his time of death. He received Gold Club membership in 2007.
Ronald Douglas CA
Ronald Weir Douglas (M05949) has died aged 92. He trained with Thomson McLintock & Co, qualifying in 1955. He was working for GEC Alsthom when he retired and was living in Rugby at his time of death. He received Gold Club membership in 2005.
Rev William “Billy” McMillan CA
Rev William “Billy” Johnstone McMillan (M08306) has died aged 79. He trained with Macharg & Son, qualifying in 1963. He was working for Mclair (H) & Co when he retired and was living in Turriff at his time of death. He received Gold Club membership in 2013.
William Miller CA
William Douglas Miller (M06486) has died. He trained with Mann, Judd, Gordon & Co, qualifying in 1957. He was working for Highlands regional council when he retired and was living in Fortrose at his time of death. He received Gold Club membership in 2007.
William Firth CA
William Eric Firth (M07296) has died aged 89. He trained with Smith & Williamson, qualifying in 1960. He was working for Welsh Walker when he retired and was living in Hook at his time of death. He received Gold Club membership in 2010.