Professional development

Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Act 2023 – Essential update

Online live, 12 April or 25 June
This half-day course provides an in-depth update of the key company law provisions of the new ECCTA 2023 Act (not yet in force) and the expected timetable for its implementation. It equips you with the knowledge and skills needed for the upcoming legal changes.


Accounting for and Auditing Groups

Online live, 22 April or 8 July
The preparation of consolidated financial statements is a challenging task for accountants working in professional practice and industry. This seminar covers the basic accounting treatment for preparing these statements, including goodwill, with a practical approach to auditing in accordance with ISA 600.


IFRS Developments – An essential guide

Online live, 24 April or 16 July
This two-hour session briefs you on all the recent and impending changes to IFRS and offers an understanding of the direction of travel of the International Accounting Standards Board. The course also highlights changes most likely to have a significant practical impact.


Financial Modelling – Comprehensive

Online live, 25–26 April
Edinburgh, 12–13 June
London, 29–30 July
This two-day course is for anybody looking to develop their ability to build, interpret, review and audit financial models. The focus is on best practice, the dos and the don’ts that are critical to ensuring your models are sturdy, dynamic and flexible.


Pension Scheme Accounts Following FRS 102 and SORP

Online live, 30 April or 16 August
Pension scheme accounting has been subject to significant change. This course considers the accounting for pension schemes under FRS 102 and the statement of recommended practice, along with the impact of Covid-19 and the fair value and disclosure of scheme investments.


Excel VBA for Creative Problem Solving

Online live, 2 May
This course covers the skills you need to be able to code confidently in Excel VBA, with exercises that introduce problems inspired by situations you might encounter in the real world. This is also a great springboard for anyone who wishes to learn some coding that creates real impact.


Better Forecasting and Budgeting

Online live, 9 May
This course teaches budgeting and forecasting methods designed to help organisations grow. It explores the limitations of traditional approaches to budgeting and forecasting, showing why forecasts and budgets must be kept apart, and how rolling forecasts can help to drive growth.


Income Tax Refresher and Update

Online live, 14 May
This course refreshes delegates on the fundamentals of income tax, including allowances, residence and domicile, property income, employment and some business tax issues. Examples are used to demonstrate typical income tax scenarios, with planning possibilities discussed throughout.


For a list of all upcoming live courses and to book, visit


Financial Modelling Introduction 1: Golden rules

Length: 1 hour
It is easy to build a poor financial model, but harder to build a high-quality financial model which satisfies the needs of the user. To build the latter there are a number of golden rules, the dos and don’ts, to follow. This course sets out those rules.


Understanding Contracts: Part 1

Length: 1.5 hours
This course introduces some of the key issues concerning contract formation, including discussion of the use of heads of terms, together with an overview of how contracts are structured and a summary of the three main types of term and the differences between them.


Leadership and Management Skills

Length: 1 hour
There are many books written on the theory of leadership; this course distils some of those key papers while bringing them up to date with current trends. Understand the difference between management and leadership and how to apply different styles in different circumstances.


Stress Management – Introduction

Length: 1 hour
This introduction to stress management acts as a foundation on which to build and will help you manage your stress from the outset. It lets you identify the most common signs and symptoms, and then goes through steps and techniques to help control your stress levels.

For a list of all on-demand courses, download the online course directory